How do entrepreneurs motivate themselves to get up everyday and work hard even when things aren’t working out? In this episode, Tim Oppelt explains how he went from a college kid with no real direction, stapling signs to telephone poles working for Peoples Capital Group, to owning two successful business and having TOO MUCH free time. What a problem to have! Listen to how Tim explains the emotional and mental struggles he faced motivating himself to get up everyday and work hard as he was in the trenches building his business. This is not a sugar-coated, ra ra version of entrepreneurship, this explains the real challenges that us entrepreneurs face as human beings, balancing our personal needs with the needs of our businesses.

Tim Oppelt : Real Estate Wholesaler, Google Ads Expert For Real Estate Investors, Carrot Operations Guru. Lives in San Diego, doing deals virtually in Delaware. Helping investors across the country make six-figures per year through our passive PPC marketing program.


00:00 Intro

03:13 How Tim got started

06:34 From rags to riches

08:19 How to make a good lead system?

14:05 True passive income

18:03 Online marketing company

21:21 Finding a good partner

26:55 Launching a marketing campaign

Tim Oppelt: Basically, my whole business became that. I just focused 100% on SEO, 100% on PPC, and didn’t do anything else, cut out direct mail, cut out everything else. That really allowed me to do what I want to do and build the lifestyle I wanted to do. I think, for anyone who’s struggling, figure out what you’re good at. It’s going to be different for everyone. Just try to do more of what you are versus try to be someone else.


Aaron Fragnito: All right, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to the Passive Cashflow Podcast. I have an OG, original guest, here, Tim Oppelt. How’re we doing today, Tim?

Tim: OG, I like that, man. That’s a great intro. You should be an announcer, dude. I love that.

Aaron: Thank you so much, my friend. Tim, I wanted to have you on the Passive Cashflow Podcast because we got started a little bit in real estate. I know I helped you get started, you worked for a Peoples Capital Group years ago, putting signs on telephone poles, completely in the trenches, didn’t know a thing about anything. I met you at a real estate networking event, fresh out of high school? College? Where were you fresh out of?

Tim: I was in college.

Aaron: You were in college, you were getting that degree doing real estate on the side, and you’re like, “Hey, man. I just want to do this wholesale thing. I think I could do very well with it. Where do I start?” I think I gave you a big box of signs and a stapler and said, “Go.” That’s the beginning. Now, you have that business operating, you’ve been able to step away from it, start a marketing company, you live in San Diego. A lot of things have changed. You’ve been truly able to accomplish your entrepreneurial vision that you had, boy, maybe a decade ago, maybe eight years ago when we first met or so, right?

Tim: Yes. It’s crazy to think about, man. I’m excited to dive into it because this is a special podcast for me. I’ve done a handful of them now. You say I’m the OG, but to me, you’re the OG. You’re the first person, the beginning, really, of my journey into real estate. I’m forever grateful for you. I’m excited to do this, man.

Aaron: Thank you, my friend. Thank you. Yes, there’s always another OG. There’s an OG that I learned from as well. Now, that’s exciting. We’ve always had that dream of being entrepreneurs. It’s such a vague word, “entrepreneur.” It’s so challenging. I think me and you can both be transparent also about the challenges we face as entrepreneurs. Some mornings, you wake up and you’re just like, “Man, I got a lot on my plate. I got a lot of responsibility. It’s not all fun. I don’t really feel that burning passion” you maybe had a few years ago when you started the business.

I know you’ve had challenges with that, so I want to break into that a little bit. I also want to talk about wholesaling and real estate as well, but that’s maybe not as much fun as just the emotional challenge of being a good entrepreneur, building your business every day, being an honest businessman, treating others as you want to be treated, and keeping that fire going. That’s the heart. How do you keep that fire going? I know you had challenges with that, so maybe let’s go back into it. Let’s start from the beginning, explain how you got started in real estate.

Tim: I remember, while I was in college, I went to The College of New Jersey. We’re both from Jersey. Every Saturday morning, I would wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 AM, I would take Aaron’s beautiful box of bandit signs, and I would go up to beautiful Newark, New Jersey, at places where I could clearly don’t fit in, I’d be putting up signs on the poles for three hours every morning. I went that early in the morning because I was worried about getting too much attention to me or whatever. I did that every week for months and months. It was an hour and a half drive from college up to Newark, New Jersey.

That’s it. Paying your dues, right? Did I get paid a lot? No, probably not, but it was a great learning opportunity for me. That’s when I really– You were doing short sales, you were doing wholesaling and investing at the time. I learned what it was from YouTube videos and whatnot. You just taught me the business, showed me how it actually happens, how you actually get paid, and things like that. Basically, I did that up until I moved, I believe, into Delaware. My fiancé got into grad school down there, so then I packed up and moved down there.

That’s when I started my business for myself, taking the wisdom that you gave me, and started applying it. I know you helped me as well, funded my business a little bit in the beginning. I was happy to give you a good return on that, I’m pretty sure.

Aaron: I did very well in that investment. That was one of my best investments.

Tim: Basically, that’s it, man, I don’t know how deep you want me to go into it. I can go year by year, I can give you a 30-second summary. It depends. Basically, my whole wholesaling business is in Delaware. Still is, today, even though I live in San Diego. It’s completely virtual. I have a partner doing things there. I think it’s a unique setup that I have. I’m happy I’m doing it still.

Aaron: That’s great. Wholesaling is a great way to get started in real estate. Stapling poles to the telephone signs, “We buy houses,” it’s not a great way to get deals right now. Back then, it actually worked. I remember showing you how you got paid on the HUD, how you protect your fee, how to actually structure a wholesale transaction. They’re all a little different, estate sales, short sales, foreclosures. That was interesting stuff. What I really want to break into is not so much how to staple signs to telephone poles. You could really teach people. You were great at that. You’re a great stapler.

Tim: Thank you.

Aaron: If what you’re doing now doesn’t work out, you could always– What I want to focus on is you were able to actually build that business up. It was a small little wholesale business. You had, I think I gave you $1,500 in cash or something like that. It was incredible what you were able to do with that. You repaid me in full in like a year, plus interest. It was a great investment on my end. It was incredible what you could do with the seed capital. Within about three years, you were able to step away from that business and it’s still profitable, live in San Diego, a warmer, nicer place arguably than rural Delaware, more amenities, we’ll say, more amenities–

Tim: Easy argument. No, it’s a nicer, it’s [unintelligible 00:06:30] in every way. It’s more expensive, that’s [crosstalk].

Aaron: More expensive, that’s for sure. That’s what people really want to learn about, how do you develop a small business with $1,500, in an industry you just learned? You were just the guy stapling signs to the poles, and then, within three or four years, make enough to move to an expensive city and live. It’s not like you’re living like a king, but you’re living comfortably.

Tim: 100%. I’m glad I’m on this podcast now. A good example, so just two weeks ago, we closed a $90,000 wholesale assignment deal in Delaware. I have a partner who I split 50-50 with, so I took home– It ended up being, I think, I got like 39 after because we double closed on it. It was like 39. I didn’t have to do any work whatsoever. Literally, I don’t even know the address to the home, I never talked to the seller, I literally did nothing. I didn’t even do any marketing for it at that point because it came from my website. My probably total time involved was a 30-minute phone call with my partner about it, and that was it and it’s a $40,000 check.

Granted, that doesn’t happen all the time, but to me, that’s my goal, is to have it passive. I’m not doing 100 deals a year, but I can bring in some passive income without having to do really any work at this point. I have the freedom of time. It took a while to get there, for sure. I’m happy to go into that 100%.

Aaron: I think a big part of that is developing the marketing system that drives the leads in. That was always your specialty. I know you were very good at the paid ads. I had hired your company a little time to do that when you were starting out. You created a lead system, so break into that. How did you create a lead system that, to this day, apparently, is still driving really great leads? You just made a great wholesale fee.

Tim: It’s crazy. It’s no secret. I got a website. Carrot, I like them a lot. I did work with them as well. They do SEO training, and I host a website on that platform. Basically, I put a lot of work in, probably like 2015, honestly. I put a lot of work into my site upfront. Then I paid someone to basically do backlinks for me, just an SEO company, a few $100 a month. That’s honestly all I did. Probably, Delaware is a little bit easier to rank than, let’s say, New Jersey, trying to rank rural New Jersey. That’s what I did. Basically, you rank on Google. If someone searches “sell my house fast” or “cash for houses” or “stop foreclosure” or whatever, your website comes up.

They fill out a form, and then you call them up. Basically, that’s it. SEO is free once you get it dialed in, or you can pay Google as well to show up on ads. I do both of those. It seems to be producing a lot of leads these days. Everyone else and their mother is doing direct mail and cold calling. For me, I didn’t. I tried that, but it just didn’t work as well, maybe just my personality-wise. You do have to know what you’re doing and like being behind a computer. I don’t think you, personally, would enjoy doing the internet marketing side of things. You’re like the sales guy. For me, I like that kind of analytical stuff.

Aaron: That’s good. That’s the thing too, I think you hit the nail on the head too. You’re in probably a less competitive market. There’s a lot to be said for picking a good market where there’s not a huge amount of competition, yet you’re not too far from Washington D.C, Philadelphia area. You probably get a little bit of growth from there, I guess. That Delaware market, you’re really not competing with much. Was that one of the reasons you ended up down there with that business? How would you end up down in rural Delaware?

Tim: Yes. Honestly, just because my fiancée got into grad school there. Luckily, it wasn’t in San Francisco because I don’t know what I would have done. But, for now, I could. I live in San Diego, my business in Delaware. I could do this, theoretically, in any state in the country if I wanted to. I think there is something to be said for the market. The reason why I haven’t, there, honestly, isn’t a great reason. I could do it. It’s just a matter of what you enjoy. I will say, I don’t know if this is really what you’re looking for here.

Aaron: The hours you want to work.

Tim: What did you say?

Aaron: It’s how many hours you want to work. It’s like you’re saying. It’s your time. Go ahead.

Interviewee: Yes, for me what has helped me the most become successful is figuring out, from an entrepreneurial standpoint, what I’m good at. For a while in Delaware, I was doing bandit signs, I was doing direct mail, I was doing online ads. Some were okay, some weren’t, and it was plateauing. Once I accepted the fact and understood, became self-aware enough to know, “Look, I like doing internet marketing.” I know you and I were drinking wine in New Brunswick. I was a little tipsy, we were breaking it down, and you were like, “Hey, Tim, really at the core of it, what you’re good at with your business is internet marketing.” I was like, “Yes, you’re right.”

Basically, my whole business became that. I just focused 100% on SEO, 100% on PPC, and just didn’t do anything else. Cut out direct mail, cut out everything else. That really allowed me to do what I want to do and build the lifestyle I wanted to do. I think, for anyone who’s struggling, figure out what you’re good at. It’s going to be different for everyone. Just try to do more of what you are versus try to be someone else.

Aaron: Absolutely and what you enjoy doing as well. I enjoy doing these podcasts. I enjoy speaking on stage. I enjoy talking to clients and investors. I really don’t enjoy the online stuff, doing the SEO or doing the marketing. I’ve done that for a while. I’m not particularly good at it. I’ve taken a class on YouTube marketing and everything, but at the end of the day, I just ended up hiring companies to do it. I just hired an SEO company for $3,000 a month to get bang-up SEO. It’s definitely something that companies pay for. It’s definitely something you need but if you don’t enjoy doing it– boy, that’s the other thing about an entrepreneur.

If you force yourself to do too many things you hate doing and aren’t good at doing, eventually you’re going to quit. If you made me do SEO marketing behind a computer 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I’d be like, “No, that’s not what I want to do with my time” and vice versa if you had to just do a bunch of public speaking engagements all the time. I don’t know, maybe you could get used to it, but who knows but it’s not your cup of tea-

Tim: Definitely not.

Aaron: -it’s not what you love doing. If you are doing what you love doing, what I think God put you on this earth to do, which is hard to find. We’re all looking for it. If you’re doing something roughly around that, which I think is public speaking for me, engaging with people for me, then you find success more quickly. Also, you enjoy doing it. I’ve run my business two different ways. I’ve woke up in the morning and really dreaded my day. I’ve been like, “Oh my God, I have eight hours of YouTube marketing I got to put together today.” I’ve had other days where I’ve woken up and I’m so excited about it.

I’m so excited to do what I got to do with the next few steps in my day. You’re just such a better entrepreneur, a better business leader, a better person when you’re excited about what you’re doing and doing what you’re put on this earth to do. I’m glad you found that out over a few glasses of wine in New Brunswick there.

Tim: Yes, man. I will say it’s funny. I was looking over our financials. My business is, I’m not a big guru. I’m not crushing it. Like, low six figures, 20 deals a year or something like that. This past year I made just as much money in revenue than I have in any other year doing my business full-time and I’m doing nothing. I was doing it full-time and I’m doing nothing, and I’m making the same amount. It makes me angry, actually, that that’s the case. I remember back, I had a turning point when I was in Delaware. I was like you were saying, I dreaded getting out of bed. I really didn’t like doing the business. I was depressed, I was unhappy and lonely.

Once we had a conversation and then I reflected more and was honest with myself, I realized, “I don’t want to go out to these sketchy homes all the time. I’m not a sales guy. I don’t want to be doing direct mail.” Everything was so up and down, then I made the decision, I just want to do internet marketing. I actually do enjoy it. Most people don’t but I do. I built my entire life around that. I actually started a marketing company, which has a more consistent business model which I enjoy. I found a partner in Delaware who does all the work who likes the sales guys. He’s kind of like an errand. He does that. He does all the work, I stay in my lane, and I’m making just as much money as I ever was doing all that work. I’m much happier now.

Aaron: Exactly, that’s the name of the game. Finding what you’re good at doing, executing 10x on that. Just executing as best you can, efficiency, efficiently, effectively, and then finding that partner that enjoys going out to crappy homes, negotiating with homeowners. There was a period of time where actually I did enjoy doing that. After doing it a few hundred times for a few years, I got pretty tired of going out to crappy homes, negotiating with out of their mind landlords and homeowners. [laughs] “Yes, it’s worth a million bucks.” The thing’s falling on us so you’re like, “What a waste of my time.”

Yes, I know. I’ve been there. That’s it. That’s why obviously I’ve Seth Martinez, my business partner, who’s completely analytical on the detail-oriented. Boy, he catches things that I don’t even notice in our wording, in our languages, in our numbers, or whatever it is in our systems. I just go with the flow. I have so much energy, so much momentum. He’s more down-to-earth. “We’re missing a decimal point here.” [crosstalk] Exactly. Those decimal points are pretty important. That’s why we make a good team there.

You have a great partner. Part of the secret to being able to move to San Diego and live a life of luxury is having a good partner. A good boots-on-the-ground partner that you also set up a win-win scenario. It’s a 50-50 split. You don’t pay him a salary, anything like that. He’s got a hustle. He’s got to close deals to eat, is that correct?

Tim: 100%, yes. We even set it up recently for the paid ads because SEO the deals are free, basically so none of us are paying money for them. He has to do the work and gets commissioned 50%. Good for him because getting the deal is the hardest part. With the paid ads we structured it where he would actually pay for all the ads, so still zero risk, zero work for me. Once a deal would close, he would get the money that he paid for marketing and then we split it. Let’s say it took 5,000 to get a 20,000 deal, he’d get his 5 back, and then we split the 15. It’s just a way. I could pay for the ads but I try to keep my risk as low as possible just because I can.

Aaron: Phenomenal. Also, he’s going out and answering the leads and everything. You got to make sure he understands the importance of those leads, closing those leads, and feeling that the cost of them is going to encourage that. No, it’s a great setup. The first thing to do is find a good partner that complements your weaknesses. You structure a win-win, a commission-based structure where he’s actually putting out a lot of upfront cash as well as taking the risk. You started the operations. You took the risk there. You created a system where the leads are flowing in and he can answer the inbox every morning and move those deals to a closing table.

It looks like you basically moved out to San Diego and figured, “Okay, you’re really good at online marketing.” Now you’ve created your second business, which is an online marketing company?

Tim: Yes. Basically, for now, we’re just doing one product for one niche. We’re doing Google Ads for real estate investors. Basically, that’s it. Simple.

Aaron: That’s interesting. What would that– that helps them find, deals for sale?

Tim: Yes, sure. That is right. It’s just for motivated sellers. Basically, we launch a campaign for you in whatever market you’re in. Obviously, we would have to vet to the person. Google Ads isn’t for everyone. You have to be able to spend money and you have to be in a market that has probably at least 500,000 people in it. If you’re in rural Minnesota, you’re going to get a deal a year, probably. It might be a waste of time. So somewhat of a population aside, you need a budget and some patience. Yes, basically we show you when a homeowner Googles, “Sell my house fast in Chicago.”

Your ad would show up in the little top sponsor, then click on it, you got to have the right website, the whole system, and tracking. All that stuff. Yes, basically the leads come in to investor’s inbox and the leads are super high quality. The investors need to call them back within 5 or 10 minutes or so. I think, on average, our clients are closing deals every 10 to 15 leads. Probably closer to 10, which is crazy. Facebook ads, direct mail, usually it’s 30, 40, 50 leads a deal but 10 to 15 leads a deal, which is insane. My partner, he’s not doing a ton of work. If you’re doing a deal a month, that’s 10 leads a month. That’s 15 minutes every 3 days.

Aaron: That’s a pretty good deal for everyone.

Tim: For everybody.

Aaron: Yes, he’s making bank too. Does he do this full-time or he’s got another job on the side?

Tim: He just quit his job this summer. He’s doing it full time, and we’re in the process of trying to figure out what he wants long-term like where I was few years ago.

Aaron: He’s like [crosstalk]-

Tim: It’s like your mentor, then you, then you mentor me, and now I mentor him. It’s just like the cycle goes on and on.

Aaron: Well, whatever he does, don’t let him quit because you guys got a good thing going. Let me tell you, the grass is always greener on the other side. You guys are sitting here like, “Oh, I work 16 hours a week, and I’m making enough to pay my bills. What do I do?” What do you mean, what do you do? Just keep doing what you’re doing. [laughs] I don’t know. Maybe start fixing up cars on the side or something. I don’t know. Do whatever you want to do, but that’s funny, man. It’s funny how human beings are so– We’re always looking for the next thing, the next level.

You finally create a business that’s making money, it’s doing well, and he’s talking about, “Oh, I don’t want to– I have too much free time. I don’t have enough challenges in life, perhaps.” Right?

Tim: Yes, you’re right. I’ve got to crack the whip on him. He’s not going anywhere. I’m not going to let him go anywhere. I’ve got to get to him.

Aaron: [crosstalk] Expand to more markets. If he needs to be busier, expand to more markets. That’s a great thing about real estate, there’s always more of it out there, and you can always expand markets. It’s very cool. All right. You’ve developed your second business now, you went from stapling signs to telephone poles, to recognizing you are an online marketing guru, expert.

Tim: I don’t like guru. I don’t like the word guru.

Aaron: I actually hate that word too. I was making fun of you. All right. I won’t call you guru anymore. I do want to touch base a little bit more on finding a partner. How do you find a really good partner?

Tim: Dude, I’m glad you brought that up. It was really difficult to be honest, and I’m happy for you and Seth. It’s a challenge, dude. When we moved to Delaware, I knew that we were going to be there only five years because Kristen’s in a research program and it’s a five-year gig. I never planned to stay in Delaware forever. Probably around year three and a half, maybe year four, I started to look for someone to handle the boots on the ground stuff. I always started the business in mind with process. I’d document everything so I could plug someone in, “Hey, here’s a bunch of videos, here’s how to log into my systems, take notes, track everything,” blah, blah, blah, blah.

I ended up going through four different people. The first guy was an obsessive liar. He quit after a month. He said he had the flu every week, and he didn’t. Then the second person, she just wanted some income so her husband can get insurance or something. It didn’t work out. Then the third guy was good but he decided he didn’t want to do it anymore. He was starting a tech company. Basically, I went to Europe when Kristen graduated, my fiancée, Kristen. I think it was spring of 2019. When we were moving out of Delaware, before we moved to San Diego, we were taking a trip to Europe, and I had a partner lined up at the time.

The week I got back, I had a meeting with him to check-in, and then he quit. It was like two weeks before we met, we left to San Diego, I didn’t have a partner anymore, and I was like, “All this work and obsessive planning that I did over the last five years gone down the tubes.” It’s the reality of the situation. It’s super hard. The partner I found now, basically, I was running the business myself while I was in San Diego. I was doing everything virtually. I was having my buyers go on appointments for me, the ones that I trusted. Then not ideal, but I still could get some deals.

Aaron: You would procure the lead, have a buyer you trusted, not really have it under contract yet, be like, “Hey, go check out this property. Tell me what you’ll pay for it, basically.” That’s interesting.

Tim: I did do that. It’s probably terrible.

Aaron: I guess you trust them. You also knew the market. If they were totally bs-ing, you could probably call it.

Tim: I could get the contract on the phone too. It wasn’t 100% trust, but I definitely did that a few times, 100%. You have to really trust the person. I don’t recommend doing it. I wouldn’t put that in a course anywhere.

Aaron: Not in the course.

Tim: Not in the course. Basically, the way I found my partner now is a friend of a friend who had just moved back from Texas to Delaware, and it ended up working out. If he ends up leaving, we’re in the same boat. I’ve got to find a partner again, and I don’t know if you’ve experienced that too. You and Seth have a good thing. I think once you started working together, I think when I started working for you, I should say, I think you were just starting to work with Seth or maybe beforehand. It seems like after you guys started working together, your business went up to seven figures or whatever you’re doing.

I know there’s a great book called Rocket Fuel, which goes into having a sales vision person and having an operations person. When you have those two people, it rocket-fuels your business. It seems like that’s what happened for you, and it’s starting to work out for me too. The hardest part is finding a partner and keeping them. I don’t know if there’s really a golden bullet for that.

Aaron: There’s absolutely no golden bullet to find a good partner. Like any marriage, it’s not always perfect. There’s days you disagree, there’s times one partner is doing more work than the other, or one partner is bringing more resources to the table than the other. There’s times where Seth and I definitely butt heads. For the most part, we’re always respectful, and we really stay in our lane. We also don’t have titles in our company, and this works for us. It might not work for everyone. I don’t call myself the CEO, he doesn’t call himself the COO. We’re both managing members, partners of Peoples Capital Group.

It’s not like one of us is in charge of the other. We’re really on the same playing field, same level there, and that’s so important when you’re a partner. It’s funny, me and him are really committed to the company. If the company needs an extra $50,000 and one of us is more flash than the other, then we’ll put it in, no questions asked. If I need to travel, work till midnight on something or whatever it is and get in the car and go somewhere far away or whatever speaking engagement, then I’ll make it happen. We really have no problem going above and beyond. When we do that for each other, we recognize it as well. He just closed a really difficult deal we’d been working on for six years, so I told him I’m going to buy him a beer.

Tim: Oh, it was a good deal.

Aaron: Yes, it’s a beer.

Tim: Would you say that– Is everything 50/50 with you guys, equity-wise, company profits everything is 50/50?

Aaron: Everything is 50/50, yes.

Tim: One cool thing, if you did want to– Anyone who wants to get into the online ad space, and I guess this technically could work with anything but it works very easily with Google ads, we have investors that we’re working with, they will leverage their network like no other. We have a guy who’s actually in New Jersey, probably a competitor of yours, and we– Sorry about that. He’s launching a campaign in Augusta, Georgia because he knows someone who’s a boots-on-the-ground person there. All he has to do is launch a marketing campaign, and then he can start getting leads. He doesn’t have to do anything.

He’s not the only person. We have a lot of investors who will– We have someone in Philly who now has a campaign in Florida. All they’re basically doing is they go out and network and really build trusting relationships with investors. They’ll just work out a marketing structure to split revenue, and they can scale fairly quickly across the country, because virtual wholesaling or probably mainly wholesaling, is much easier than it used to be.

Aaron: You’re not just a marketing company, you help people structure their businesses like you just explained?

Tim: Well, not really. That’s on them. Let’s say you’re running ads with me, you’re paying me a monthly fee, and I’ll run the ads in whatever market you want me to do it. Then you come to me and say, “Hey, Tim, I want to open up in a different market. I want to go in a second market.” Then let’s say we pick Chicago. Then basically, I will open up that marketing system in Chicago, and then whoever your partner is in Chicago runs the leads, you split it however you want with the marketing dollars and the revenue. That’s becoming more popular these days. I’m probably going to try to make a course on it at some point because I think you can actually scale fairly quickly if you have good partners in different markets across the country.

Aaron: Well, it begs the question, though, you just made $40,000 sitting in your computer chair in San Diego. The hard part was finding a good partner. It seems the easy part was maybe developing your online marketing system. If you got good at finding a good partner or teamed up with a staffing company or something like that that helped connect you with the good partners, what’s stopping you from breaking into all these different cities? You got the marketing machine my friend, right?

Tim: Doing it myself, yes. In a way, I’m doing that with an agency but instead of structuring it like a percentage of revenue, I get paid a flat fee. It’s a risk management thing. I could do it that way, 100%, but I have to build trusting relationships. I don’t know if one’s better than the other. It’s harder to scale that.

Aaron: Plus, you’re offering the service. You don’t want to compete with your customers or anything like that or be taking up room in a city. I get it. You’re offering the marketing service and that’s what people come to you for. How can business owners or real estate investors find you?

Tim: Sure, yes. If they’re interested learning about some online ads, you can go to Boom, I got the shirt even now, Check it up. We’re there, happy to chat with you. If nothing else, we’ll hop on basically a strategy call with you, me, and my partner. My partner, for this business, Tyler will walk you through, what the marketing plan should be for your market. How it would work? You get that. That’s one of the most important things of launching an internet marketing campaign in a market. It’s like what is the plan?

We’ll get that to you for free, whether you like work with us or not because it’s important, you got to have it. Then we have a free course you want to check it out. You’ll learn all about PPC, completely free because we’re just trying to make sure people don’t call us who don’t know anything. Check it out. You can learn all about the mess of PPC pros and cons, all that kind of stuff for sure on our website.

Aaron: What’s your website again?


Aaron: Awesome. Definitely check that out. Now, Tim, it’s been great reconnecting with you. I love what you’re doing, man. Like I said, years ago, your skillset really is in online marketing. If you’re listening to our podcast here for our listeners, and you’re looking to get more leads in different cities, and you’re an active real estate investor, then go to Tim’s website here. Of course, if you’re on the passive side of real estate investing, you just want to own properties like you see here behind me without running around, doing all the work and being a passive investor, enjoying the benefits of being a passive investor, then you could go to and fill out an application form, and perhaps you’re qualified to become a passive investor and invest in apartment buildings without having to do the heavy lifting.

You have your options. You might want to be an active investor. You might want to wholesale deals, maybe you want to do a part-time. Tim’s company can help you do that. Maybe you also want to invest passively in real estate that produces cash flow and tax benefits and equity growth. It’s smart to be diversified and you want to be doing active and passive. It’s always good to be diversified across all fields. I wanted to have Tim on the show today because it’s pretty cool what you’re doing, pretty cool where you’ve come from. We of course started in a sense together many years ago. It’s good to catch up here as well.

Tim: Yes, man, thanks. If anyone needs bandit sign training hit me up. I got the whole layout, how to map out in Google Maps, I got it all down. If you want to do that, probably not profitable anymore, Aaron says, but hey, I got it for you too.

Aaron: Not anymore Jersey, but there’s this process to good rated signing. Right intersections, the right locations. I’ve hired many people to staples signs to telephone poles and let me tell you, you’re the best. Definitely [crosstalk].

Tim: That means a lot. On the bandit sign, I think chief is what you labeled me. I didn’t get a promotion for that, but you called me the bandit sign chief, remember that?

Aaron: Chief bandit sign operator we’ll you, CBSO. Nice. All right. Very good, my friend. Thank you for coming on and joining us the passive cash flow podcast. To our listeners, join us every week. There’s a new episode coming out. I’m your host, Aaron Frank Nieto, co-owner of People’s Capital Group and the host of the Passive Cash Flow Podcast. Thanks for listening.

Tim: Thanks, Aaron.

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron has been helping people invest in Real Estate for over 10 years. He is a Co-Founder of Peoples Capital Group (PCG) a real estate investment and holding company. He is a full time real estate investor, as well as, the host of the New Jersey Real Estate Network and host of the Passive Cash Flow Podcast. Aaron has previously completed over 100 real estate transactions as a realtor and another 150 transactions in his current role as a real estate investor.

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