Having $250,000 to invest is quite an accomplishment but before you determine the best way to invest this capital, this episode will explain savvy ways these funds can be invested in real estate and other asset classes. First, are you an active or a passive investor? Do you want to deal with tenants and toilets or just get the benefits of real estate without the heavy lifting behind the scenes. Secondly, have you diversified into owning high demand professionally managed real estate yet, or are you just starting to diversify out of the stock market? The answers to these questions and more will help guide you on the best way to invest in real estate. Enjoy this episode to learn wise investment strategies for $250K within and outside of real estate.





00:00 Intro

02:02 How to invest $250k into real estate

06:14 Real estate investment trusts

07:57 House flipping

10:28 Lend out capitol

12:10 Why invest $250k into real estate

17:14 General tips investing $250k

18:59 Final thoughts

This is not a solicitation for funds, tax advice, or legal advice. This is not intended to be, and must not be construed to be in any form or manner a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering. Peoples Capital Group LLC is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker nor U. S. Investment Adviser is a Consultant/service provider and makes no warranties or representations as to the listener or viewer. All due diligence is the responsibility of the investor.

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron has been helping people invest in Real Estate for over 10 years. He is a Co-Founder of Peoples Capital Group (PCG) a real estate investment and holding company. He is a full time real estate investor, as well as, the host of the New Jersey Real Estate Network and host of the Passive Cash Flow Podcast. Aaron has previously completed over 100 real estate transactions as a realtor and another 150 transactions in his current role as a real estate investor.

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