Grant Shipman joins the Passive Cash Flow Podcast to explain how to turn large single family homes into cash flow machines through a strategy known as co-living. This entails leasing each room in a house to a difference tenant. The goal is to attract quality tenants that create a positive living environment and maintain the property nicely.

This allows landlords to double or triple the cash flow on an asset and create a positive experience for single people seeking to live in a friendly environment. This little unknown strategy must be implemented properly to work and Grant drops some incredible tips to ensure success for landlords. Listen to this episode if you want to turn a single family home you own into a cash cow!

A leading expert in co-living property management and investment. With over 20 years of experience, Grant founded Livingsmith, achieving a 97% lifetime occupancy rate and pioneering the first-ever co-living course.

His company offers comprehensive services, from DIY guides to full-service property management.

Grant will share insights on the co-living industry, smart investment strategies, and how co-living can address housing and climate crises.

Join us for an enlightening conversation!

Welcome Passive Cash Flow Listeners

00:00 Intro
02:20 Creating Cash Cows Through Co-Living
07:49 Co-living atmosphere
14:51 Finding states for Co-living
18:44 Legal bedrooms
23:52 States Grant operates in
29:25 Single and co-living
32:03 Contact Grant Shipman
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Aaron Fragnito

Aaron Fragnito

Aaron has been helping people invest in Real Estate for over 10 years. He is a Co-Founder of Peoples Capital Group (PCG) a real estate investment and holding company. He is a full time real estate investor, as well as, the host of the New Jersey Real Estate Network and host of the Passive Cash Flow Podcast. Aaron has previously completed over 100 real estate transactions as a realtor and another 150 transactions in his current role as a real estate investor.

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